Posts from October 2014
Those Privileged To Serve November 2014
Youth Winterfest
If you are planning to attend Winterfest 2015 in Gatlinburg – February 20-22, please sign up on the sheet located in the foyer. If you have any questions, see John or Andi. The deadline to register will be December 7th.
Mid Week Bulletin 10-22-14
Sunday Morning Attendance Cards
We have changed out the attendance cards for Sunday Morning. BVH members will no longer fill out the card as they will be used for visitors only. There is a prayer request section on the back of each card. If a BVH member has a specific prayer request that you would like us to be […]
Weekly Bulletin 10-19-14
Weekly Bulletin 10-12-2014
Malawi Mission Update – October 2014
New Members
John & Karen Davis have made the decision to place membership with us. Frank & Rachel Tant (and children) have also made the decision to place membership with us. Please get to know both of these wonderful families and welcome them to our Betta-View church family! We are so excited to have them worshipping […]
New Bible Class
New Bible Class for the “Twenty-something” range (18 to 28 year olds – married or single and out of high school) begins Sunday October 12.