Posts from November 2014

10 Items

The Giving Tree

by bvhsec

The Christmas tree is up in the East entrance foyer. There are ornaments on the tree listing items for the children in need that we will be helping this Christmas holiday. If you are willing, please pull an ornament or two from the tree and purchase the item that is listed. Be sure to sign […]

Summer Youth Intern Position

by bvhsec

The Betta-View Hills church of Christ in Oxford, AL is looking to hire a summer 2015 youth intern. If possible, we are interested in someone who has or is seeking a degree in education. The perfect situation is for someone who is willing to apply for a teaching job with the outstanding Oxford School system, […]

2015 Calendar and Information

by bvhsec

If you haven’t already, please check the table located in the foyer to update/verify the calendars for birthdays/ anniversaries and verify the information on the address and email sheets. Also on the table are sign up sheets for Preparing Communion, Securing the Building and Youth Devotionals for 2015.

Church Directories Update

by bvhsec

This is just a status update on the new Church Directories. They are scheduled to be shipped to us on November 24.